
Water Storage – How Much Will You Need?

Every individual situation is different and so a one size fits all water plan is not going to work. So, in this article I will go through different ideas to help get you thinking about your water storage needs. We’ll start by looking at the estimated amount of water per day that is required per…


Emergency Water Storage – Tanks, Barrels and Bladders

We all know that we need to store at least some water for an emergency. Once you have done the first step and determined how much water you actually need and want to store, you can start thinking about how and where you will want to put that water. Now, there are plenty of ways to…


What’s The Difference Between Purification And Filtration

If you are just starting out with your water storage and preparedness, you’ll notice that there’s lots of information and products concerning water purification and filtration. Although both processes remove contaminates from the water, they are not the same and should not be used interchangeably, although they often are. So in this article I just…


SODIS Method Of Purifying Water

Solar Disinfection, or SODIS for short, is a super simple way to clear water of pathogens. For some reason it doesn’t some up often when looking at water purifcation methods. You usually find the standard; boiling, chemical tablets, carbon/ceramic filtration advice, but rarely do you see the SODIS method. Actually it is similar to using artificial UV…