
Security Concerns During the Timeline of a Societal Collapse

As our society faces a rolling collapse, it becomes crucial to approach security concerns with a practical mindset. Recognizing the stages of societal decay and collapse will allow us to take appropriate actions and prepare accordingly. This article will outline the key aspects to consider during this timeline and offer suggestions for mitigating security risks.

1. Realization that It’s Happening

  • Early warning signs: Develop situational awareness and investigate hidden indicators of societal collapse. While current events reveal much of the ongoing collapse, recognizing these signs promptly provides more time to prepare and strategize for subsequent stages.

2. More Criminals, Crimes, and Crazies

  • Rising criminal elements: The criminal landscape intensifies during societal collapse, with gangs, cartels, and other criminals expanding their influence. Heightened drug trade, human trafficking, and violence create significant security risks across the nation. Be aware of the far-reaching impact, even if your region is not immediately affected.
  • Increasingly unstable individuals: Desperation fuels violent acts committed by unstable individuals. As resources dwindle, expect a rise in such incidents. Stay vigilant and remain aware of your surroundings.

3. As People Become Dangerously Desperate

  • The “greater depression” era: In later stages of collapse, a growing number of desperate individuals will resort to extreme measures. Areas with high population density, including cities, will face the greatest risks. Plan and prepare for potential security challenges in your local region.
  • Focus on your neighbors and community: Logic dictates that populated areas will be most affected. No matter where you live, you cannot escape the consequences entirely. Start taking steps to enhance your security and establish relationships with trusted neighbors for mutual support.

4. Don’t Count on a Quick or Full Recovery

  • Accept the new reality: Understand that a societal collapse is not a temporary setback but a transformative event. The world that emerges afterward will be different, and the outcome remains uncertain. Prepare for various scenarios that may compromise personal liberty and freedom.
  • Plan for a changed future: Expect a long-lasting impact that fundamentally alters the way we live. While the exact outcome is unknown, it is unlikely that we will maintain the same level of comfort and stability. Adapt to the evolving situation based on your location and the preparations you have made.


In light of the ongoing societal decay, it is crucial to address security concerns throughout the timeline of collapse. Take appropriate actions and consider the different categories that relate to security. Mitigate risks by securing essential resources, protecting valuable assets, and ensuring personal and community safety. Remain aware of the unfolding collapse and adapt your preparations accordingly. The path ahead is uncertain, but by acknowledging the challenges, you can enhance your security during these turbulent times.

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